
Saturday, October 22, 2011


Naturally, those who favor solar power leave out the environmental implications of the used solar panels and equipment. Like the advocates of electric cars forget about the batteries that are used up. The acids are quite poisonous. And the volume needed to run a significant amount of cars would create a massive waste problem. These two ‘solutions’ can only be supplementary and temporary stopgaps.

What is important to understand is that solar power is at the end of a very long chain. The earth is literally millions of miles away from the source. The source of that power is the sun, which is a very large fusion reaction. The earth is so far away from the sun and what is collected from ALL solar panels is an infinitesimal speck of the power released. We need the technology to tap the fusion reaction itself and we would then have what to our technological level would be an unlimited power source. To do that, we would need more nuclear reactors and technology. Can't have that. So we have Solyndra.

Solyndra is a classic example as to why capitalism works and a socialistic, centrally planned economy does not. Our government poured money into an economic failure long after it was well known that it was not working. This example was prevalent throughout the Soviet Union for decades. It occurred in all sectors of their economy. We all know how well that economy worked. It was estimated that 40% of the entire economy of the old Soviet Union was the black market. This was because the system could not provide legally what the population needed. I am certain that China also suffers from this malady as well, it is just not as obvious at least partially because China has embraced some limited parts of a capitalist system.

1 comment:

  1. Why did private equity firms put 1 Billion dollars into a loser then? The government had less that 1/3 overall in Solyndra and private venture capitalist had the rest. Why is that a failure of the government and not the private sector?

    Can't have more nuclear power - looky here:
    The top two are both nuclear related. By far the largest is the 8.1 Billion plant being supported by loans in the state of Georgia.

    Solyndra was a mistake, but plenty of private sector firms got it wrong as well. In addition, the private sector firms doubled down about half way through the process.
