
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Flaws within Islam

One of the laws in Islam is the penalty for leaving is death. This law has been enforced since the beginning of Islam. It is still a powerful influence today. In 2007 we saw in Afghanistan a man whom had converted to Christianity was sentenced to death. His execution was not enforced because of his ‘mental health’. Please research to confirm how entrenched this overall concept is. It does not stop here.

The overall idea is that once something is Muslim, it cannot revert back. This applies to land as well. This is why Israel is ‘occupying’ all of the land it sits upon. This is why the U.S. is ‘occupying’ Iraq and Afghanistan until we leave. This is why the U.S. was ‘occupying’ Saudi Arabia even though the Saudi government invited our troops in. This also extends into an attitude of general intolerance against anything non-Islamic, including other religions.

Islam recognizes NO other national entity EXCEPT itself. This places it in conflict with the parent government even where Islam is dominant and most of the laws are in agreement with Islamic law. Because Islamic law is so specific and rigid, many points of disagreement exist that can become issues as divisive as slavery during the U.S. Civil War. This combined with the penalty for leaving the faith cause divisions within Islam that cannot be easily resolved, if ever. (The Sunni and Shiite division is a classic example)

Islam is so totalitarian and suppresses so many natural human drives that anger is about the ONLY acceptable emotional outlet. Frustration is rampant throughout the Islamic world for many of these reasons. This can only turn to anger over time, as the inability to change and adapt can find no other outlet. While anger is an important part of courage, it can easily become counterproductive when not controlled. Mistakes are easily made when angry and can lead to violence.

The overall point is that Islam has some major structural flaws that lead to divisions that are not easily overcome, if ever. Because of these flaws, Islamic culture is prone to anger, which cause mistakes, counterproductive activity and violence. In addition, Islam does not mix well with its neighbors. Other national entities are constantly being attacked, in many ways. This cannot help Islam make anything but the most shallow of allies.

Islam has a good side as well, but these flaws are so important and pervasive that from an outside view, they overwhelm most if not all of the favorable aspects. From an internal viewpoint, these flaws prevent Islam from ever actually becoming the ‘house of peace’.

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