
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Muslim loyalty

I have a question that needs to be asked. Are Muslims changing loyalty over the generations, or is Islam still dominant over government and culture? Does Muslim loyalty change over time?

I would be very interested in a survey that researched the loyalty of Muslims who have immigrated to ‘western’ countries. Having studied military history, I believe that loyalty is tested and most visible when the shooting begins. A good question to research would be to ask how an immigrant Muslim feels about their adopted country going to war against an Islamic country. Example: Ask British Muslims from Pakistan how they would feel or react to England going to war against say, Egypt or Jordan? I will also be interested in hearing what the 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants feel. How would they respond to the draft if they were of age?

I imagine that the answers would vary depending upon the country and culture. Islam is a political idea as much as a religious concept. I would expect loyalty to the ideas of political Islam to be much more powerful than loyalty to a particular religion or even country. Loyalties do change, but some will not. I will use the example of the loyalty of Robert E. Lee to Virginia over the United States. Or of all of those other southerners who died defending slavery. I am not saying that Islam is like this. I am saying that the loyalty to Islam is still widely unknown when put to the real test of open warfare. This is where loyalty is decided and open.

My family was still 1st generation German when war broke out between the U.S. and Germany in 1917. At that point, my grandfather said that we were Americans and would speak no more German in this house. I know that everyone cannot be expected to be like this, but I would expect some type of gradual change to the new country and culture. I would expect loyalty to the new environment within at least 2 or 3 generations. I suspect that Islam would be extremely resistant to this type of change in general and true loyalty to take much, much longer if it is accomplished at all.

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