Fast and furious, the government
seizing records from the AP and the IRS going after conservative
organizations are excellent examples of government exceeding its
accepted limits of power. The consistent attacks on whistle blowers
is an excellent way to stop transparency. A good example of how
President Obama is doing the opposite of what he told us before he
became President. And then we have Benghazi.
Our President lied to us when he
attempted (so far, successfully) to persuade us that the spark for
the attack in Benghazi and Egypt were spontaneously generated from an
obscure video, instead of the planned, coordinated acts of war by an
external enemy that resulted in the murder of our ambassador and the
raising of enemy flags over our country's sovereign territory. Hardly
being the most transparent administration ever. In fact, Benghazi can
be argued to have been treason, covering up an overt attack by an
external enemy upon our country for your own political gain. If
President Obama was a Republican, he would most likely be removed
from office. But this is not the case.
If President Obama survives this, we
are done. The CHANGE that he wanted to implement would be permanent.
Placing your own personal gain over that of our country, at any
level, leave alone the Presidency, is a pattern of decline that is at
such a point that our basic ability to defend ourselves will be
determine by political advantage instead of national interests. This
was a trait of the late Roman Republic and of the Roman empire. This,
along with exposure of unwanted babies on the mountainside were major
indicators of the decline of the Republic and the growing need for
authoritarian power.
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