
Sunday, February 15, 2009


A suburban Buffalo man who founded a cable TV station to promote better understanding of Muslims in the U.S. has been arrested on charges he beheaded his wife.

One argument about this case is that this is just a man who killed his wife, something that is not all that uncommon throughout the country and the world. As we cannot really know for certain, this argument will always be valid. On the other hand, this case can also fit into the pattern of ‘honor killing’, something that is common throughout the Islamic world, yet is NOT nearly so common in the U.S, nor the ‘West’.

Reports from around the world indicate that Muslims have difficulty assimilating to new cultures and environments. The beheading of a wife is something that much more easily would occur in an Islamic country than anywhere else in the world.

EVERY society has its ‘homegrown’ terrorism. Individuals and small groups of extremist’s views that are rarely if ever repeated. The percentage of the population that holds these views is so small that civil police forces are generally adequate to deal with them. Islam has much more violence internally than all other ‘religions’ combined. This is not even close. And this is excluding the external violence that they have with the rest of the world. A major part of the reason why is because the Koran is so hostile to the ideology of the ‘West’ and indeed, all who are not Muslim.

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