You blew it Mr. Ellison. First, no Muslims have been ‘interned’ in anything. The suspicions of Muslims being terrorists in no way compares to machine guns being pointed at you within a barbed wire fence. Both my mother-in-law and father-in-law were in those camps (Along with their brothers, sisters and parents) and I find your comparison derogatory to them and what they endured. We are not taking away any of their property either. Quite the contrary. Why have you not been removed from your position in Congress? You think a Japanese-American would not have been removed in 1942? Some comparison.
importantly, the Japanese were interred because JAPAN had begun a war
against us with a surprise attack. So our reaction was a natural one,
as is our reaction today. In addition, your comparison implies to me
that Islam is at war against us, (I happen to agree) which one
distinguishing feature has been to open hostilities with surprise
attacks. At least Japan attacked our military. Islam attacks our
people, directly.
argument of Ellison is about as dumb as the Muslim argument being
made that because more Arabs are killed by Israel than what Israel
loses in return makes Israel the warmongers. The logic is that Israel
must be the aggressors in a war of aggression because they are so
much better at it.
if the United States did not kill one heck of a lot more Japanese
than we lost in that war. The United States lost about 40,000
fighting Japan, 1941-1945. We lost another 200,000 wounded. We killed
literally millions. And this makes us the warmongers and the ‘Bad
Guys’? Stupid argument, and I have heard this repeated over the
years and still they keep at it!!!
a personal note, I have not forgotten that you, Mr. Ellison took your
oath of office (symbolically) over the Koran. The Koran is about as
hostile to my government and way of life that can be imagined. As a
representative, I am certain that you are aware that within our own
legal system, the written document overrides the verbal contract.
This act was symbolic in many ways. Your loyalty to my country is
much more in doubt than either of my in-laws. You have better shut
up, Mr. Ellison. You are giving yourself away.